Are you a student in the United States? Make sure you accurately calculate your spending. Investigate family wealth, financial help, and scholarships. If you still require assistance, you may be able to fill the gap using foreign student loans.
What is an International Student Loan
Private education loans intended for US students studying abroad who are not qualified for federal student loans are known as international student loans. These loans are flexible and provide large loan amounts to help pay for your schooling. They are a practical choice for financing your education in the US because they have affordable interest rates and longer repayment durations.
Taking out an international student loan is a practical way to pay for your US education. Large loan amounts that can pay for your entire education are available, and they give flexibility. payback is also made manageable after graduation thanks to their extended payback terms and affordable interest rates.
Many international students seeking loans are required to have a US cosigner when applying. A cosigner is legally responsible for repaying the loan if the borrower cannot. The cosigner must be a US citizen or permanent resident with a strong credit history, having lived in the US for at least two years. Typically, the cosigner is a trusted friend or family member who can help secure the loan, as most international students do not have sufficient credit history on their own. If you are unable to find a cosigner, explore the availability of loans that do not require one.
Interest is the additional cost charged by a lender on top of the principal amount borrowed. It is calculated using a base rate plus a margin, with the margin depending on the borrower's creditworthiness or that of their cosigner. Common benchmarks for international student loans include the Prime Rate and SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate).
Prime Interest Rate – This rate is influenced by the federal funds rate set by the US Federal Reserve. It serves as a reference for lending rates and is often used to calculate interest on loans for individuals and businesses.
SOFR – SOFR is an interest rate benchmark administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It is based on transactions in the Treasury repurchase market, where banks and investors borrow or lend Treasuries overnight. SOFR is considered a more transparent and representative benchmark than LIBOR, which has faced controversies.
When determining the interest rate for international students, lenders use the chosen benchmark (Prime Rate or SOFR) and add a margin based on the borrower's or cosigner's creditworthiness. This ensures that the interest rate reflects the risk of lending to the individual and the prevailing economic conditions represented by the benchmark.
Repayment terms vary depending on the loan option chosen. Since most international students are unable to work while studying in the US, repayment terms are a crucial consideration. Factors to consider include monthly payments, when payments begin, and the length of the deferment period. Repayment periods typically range from 10 to 25 years, with longer periods for larger loans. Standard repayment plan options include:
Full Deferral – Students can defer payment until 6 months after graduation as long as they maintain full-time status. Payment deferral can last for a maximum of four years, which is the typical length of a degree program.
Interest Only – International students pay only the interest while in school for up to four consecutive years and can defer the principal until 45 days after graduation or when they switch to part-time enrollment.
Immediate Repayment – Payments on both interest and principal are due immediately once the loan is disbursed.
Who is eligible for international student loans? Students who are not US citizens or non-citizen permanent residents and who are attending an eligible US college or university may apply for international student loans.
What can international student loans be used for? International student loans can be used for education-related expenses such as tuition, books, fees, insurance, and room and board.
What is the maximum loan amount I can apply for? You can apply for up to the total cost of education, minus other aid, as determined by your school's financial aid office. After you apply and receive credit approval for you and your cosigner, your school must certify the loan amount.