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Private insurance in Germany

While every individual residing and working in Germany is mandated to contribute to health insurance and other components of the German social security system, there exist numerous other types of private insurance that one may opt to procure for themselves or their business.

Home/Property Insurance

Home and property insurance policies offer coverage in scenarios where one's property suffers damages due to accidents, theft, or fire. You can obtain a policy from any of the following providers:

  • GetSafe (expat-focused insurance, 100% in English, with a simple-to-use mobile app)
  • Feather (registration and onboarding provided in English on behalf of Barmenia)

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance shields policyholders from legal claims or other issues covered by the policy.

  • GetSafe (expat-focused insurance, 100% in English, with a simple-to-use mobile app)
  • Feather (registration and onboarding provided in English on behalf of Barmenia)

Occupational Disability Insurance

Occupational disability insurance ensures a monthly disability pension until an individual can return to work if they are incapacitated from working for six months or more due to illness, injury, or other health reasons. The disability pension supplements the income received from the state, known as the reduced earning capacity pension.

While not obligatory, disability insurance is often chosen by many in Germany as a precautionary measure because the inability to work not only results in reduced income but also makes saving for retirement challenging.

Occupational disability insurance can be integrated into existing health or pension insurance plans or acquired as a standalone private insurance policy. Some private health insurance companies sometimes bundle occupational disability insurance policies with long-term care insurance, recognizing that the inability to work and the need for care often go hand in hand.

Specialized providers cater to expatriates for occupational disability insurance and can assist with the application process.

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance ensures coverage for missed or canceled flights, accidents, and other unexpected expenses while traveling abroad. Additionally, policies protecting belongings from theft can be purchased. Barmeria offers travel insurance in Germany, or for digital nomads, Safe Travel is an option.

Legal Expenses Insurance

Legal expenses insurance covers legal costs, ensuring access to legal advice and justice irrespective of the case.

Pet Insurance

If one owns a pet in Germany, considering pet insurance to cover veterinary bills and related costs is advisable. Some insurance companies even cover the expenses if a pet goes missing or is stolen.

Auto and Motorcycle Insurance

Car owners in Germany are legally required to have car insurance that covers at least third-party liability. To learn more and find recommended car insurance providers, visit our car insurance page in Germany.

Accident Insurance

Accident insurance provides coverage for individuals and their family members in case of accidents or death.

Funeral Insurance

Life insurance policies provide a death benefit to named beneficiaries upon the policyholder's death. The benefit amount depends on the premiums paid. Providers in Germany include:

    Rent guarantee insurance

    If you own a house in Germany and are letting it out, you should consider taking out rent guarantee insurance to cover you in the event that your tenants are unable to pay their rent.

    Constructions insurance

    Constructions insurance is a legal requirement for most kinds of construction work. There are different types of policies, which can provide coverage for construction materials, employees, guard against risks and protect you in the case of natural disasters. 

    See Grundeigentümer Versicherung to find out more.

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