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Agrima Academy, Lahan, Siraha

Agrima Academy, Lahan, Siraha
Agrima Academy, Lahan, Siraha


Nestled in the heart of Lahan municipality in Siraha District, Agrima Academy, also known as Dr. Yogendra Thakur Educational Academy Pvt. Ltd. (DYTEA), has been a cornerstone of healthcare education in southeastern Nepal since its establishment in 1993 AD (2050 BS). With a mission to address the region's healthcare needs, the academy offers programs in Community Medicine Assistant (CMA), Auxiliary Nursing Midwife (ANM), and, more recently, Health Assistant (HA).


At Agrima Academy, the vision transcends mere education; it embodies a commitment to community well-being. Driven by a passion for healthcare equity, the academy envisions a future where every individual, regardless of their background, has access to quality healthcare services. Through its diverse educational programs, Agrima Academy strives to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed to make a meaningful impact on public health.


Agrima Academy's mission is deeply rooted in its dedication to serving marginalized communities. By offering programs such as CMA, ANM, and HA, the academy aims to address the pressing healthcare needs of the region. Through rigorous training and hands-on experience, students are equipped to provide essential medical services, thus contributing to the overall health and well-being of the community.

Offered Programs:

Agrima Academy, affiliated with the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), offers a range of programs to meet the diverse needs of aspiring healthcare professionals. These programs include:

  • Community Medicine Assistant (CMA)
  • Auxiliary Nursing Midwife (ANM)
  • Health Assistant (HA) - Recently affiliated in 2074 BS (2017 AD)

Contact Details:

For those seeking to learn more about Agrima Academy or inquire about enrollment, the following contact details are provided:

Email: dytealahan@gmail.com

Website: https://agrimaacademy.com

Administrative Department: +977-33-560042

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