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Difference between software process and software process model


Software Process 

The division of task development into several phases is known as the software process in software engineering. The creation of an effective information system revolves around the software process. Software methodology is another name for it. It is a sequence of actions that results in the creation of a software product. All software processes share certain core operations. These are :-
  • Software Specification
  • Software design and implementation
  • Software Evolution

Software Process Model

A software is abstracted and represented by a software process model. It indicates the chronological sequence in which the software development tasks will be completed. Each process model only offers a portion of the information about the process because it depicts the process from a specific angle. There are various available process models, including the following :-

  • Waterfall model
  • Generic Process Mode
  • Incremental model
  • Agile process model
  • Spiral model
  • Iterative development model, etc.

Difference between software process and software process model
Difference between software process and software process model

The difference between the software process and software process model are:- 

1. Definition:
  • Software Process: It refers to the set of activities, methods, practices, and transformations that are used to develop and maintain software systems.
  • Software Process Model: It is a specific representation or abstraction of a software process. It defines the order of the process activities, their inputs and outputs, and the control flow.

2. Nature:
  • Software Process: It is a broader concept encompassing the entire software development lifecycle.
  • Software Process Model: It is a specific instantiation or implementation of a software process, providing a structured approach to software development.

3. Flexibility:
  • Software Process: It allows for flexibility and adaptability, as different projects may require variations in the process.
  •  Software Process Model: It often prescribes a more rigid structure, with defined stages and sequences.

4. Representation:
  •  Software Process: It is a conceptual idea that may not have a concrete representation
  • Software Process Model: It is a tangible representation that can be followed and implemented in a real-world project.

5. Customization:
  • Software Process: It can be customized based on the project's needs and the organization's methodologies.
  • Software Process Model: It provides a standardized approach and may have limited room for customization.

6. Examples:
  • Software Process: Examples include Agile, Waterfall, and Spiral models.
  • Software Process Model: Specific instances of processes like the Waterfall model, Incremental model, and Scrum.

7. Evolution:
  • Software Process: It evolves over time with industry trends, best practices, and lessons learned.
  • Software Process Model: It may also evolve but tends to remain more stable as a specific representation of a process.

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